If you do not yet have KAT/KYTE tokens in your K-Wallet, you can use the Deposit feature to add KAT/KYTE tokens from an external wallet. We recommend you to use the Metamask wallet, an example of which can be found in this article.

Please note that you need to activate your K-wallet first. To activate your K-Wallet, please read this article

Follow this instruction: 

  1. Go to the app.kambria.io

  1. Login/Register with your account

  1. Click on the Profile button on the top right corner:

- You will see the menu tab and then click on the Account Balance

  1. You are now in your Account Balance. To add your tokens, clicking on the Deposit button in the tab Your Tokens: 

  • You will see the pop-up Form request: 

  1. Fill in your information including Type of tokens (KAT/KYTE), Amount, Your ERC-20 wallet address

* Metamask is our recommendation, but in case you would like to connect to other wallets, we support these wallets: 

  1. Check the form request again, and click on the “Withdraw” button to send the request.  

  • You will be redirected to Metamask to confirm the transaction. Please check the information again before confirming to proceed with the transaction.

(*) Please note that you need to have some ETH in your wallet for transaction fees. If gas fees are high, you can cancel and proceed again at other times. 

  1. Please wait a few seconds for the transaction to complete. Tokens will be deposited into your K-wallet following a successful transaction.

If you need any further assistance, please reach out to us by sending an email to support@kambria.io.

See the recommended article for more information on how to check K-wallet’s balance: How do I check my K-wallet balance?